【同义词辨析】 2020-04-15 奉献devote-hallow

devote: is likely to imply a giving up or setting apart because of compelling motives: ~d his evenings to study.      compelling令人信服的、强烈的suggests a power to overcome doubt, opposition, or reluctance to accept能够克服疑虑犹豫反对意见的,如a compelling need/desire强烈的需要/欲望,如compelling evidence有说服力的证据,如a documentary that makes a compelling case for court reform一部令人信服的呼吁法院改革的记录片,来自compel强迫某"人")   又如she devoted herself to fund-raising全身心投入筹集资金的工作,如I wanted to devote more time to my family我希望把更多的时间在家人身上,如he devoted a great sum of money to books他花了一大笔钱买书           motive动机是情感或愿望emotion or desire,能使人产生意志will

dedicate: implies a solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose: ~d her life to medical research.  solemn庄严suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity令人印象深刻的威严,毫不轻浮,如the solemn occasion of a coronation加冕的庄严时刻;serious严肃implies a concern for what really matters是指关注重要事物,如marriage is a serious matter婚姻是一个严肃的问题,如her face grew serious她的脸变得严肃起来,如prefers gothic romance to serious fiction比起严肃小说,更喜欢哥特罗曼史  严肃serious是庄严solemn的基础词,在20180508 严肃serious-earnest)   又如he dedicated his life to helping the poor他毕生致力于帮助穷人,如this book is dedicated to my parents谨以此书献给我的父母,用于书籍等文学作品的题献辞

consecrate: stresses investment with a solemn and sacred quality: ~ a church to the worship of God.   invest有2个意思  1、投资to spend money, time, etc,如he invests (his money) in real estate他投资房地产,如the city invests heavily in medical system城市大力投资医疗系统,如invest more time in education教育上多投入时间   2、赋予授予to give formally正式,介词用with,如the U.S. Constitution invests the President with certain powers宪法赋予总统一定权力   这里用义项2表示赋予)

hallow: often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution on intrinsic sanctity: battleground ~ed by the blood of patriots.  attribution和investment同样,表示赋予属性,但强调是"被赋予的"而非本质属性,和property本质属性对立,如patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher耐心是教师最重要的品质之一,显然耐心不是本质属性而是被赋予的属性     sanctity神圣,来自词根SANCT表示holy神圣,如sanction同意制裁sacrosanct神圣不可侵犯sanctimonious假装神圣的sanctuary避难所鸟兽保护区    

devote投入用于: 指献出留给,为了令人信服目的(motive动机),dedicate奉献: 指庄严专注的投入,为了神圣严肃的目的,consecrate奉献使神圣: 表示奉献的同时,赋予了庄严神圣的属性,hallow奉献使神圣: 同时赋予本质上的神圣

记忆方法: 1)首字母DDCH好大的才<==奉献         ""是会意字,由表示礼器"鬲"和表示祭品的"犬"构成,俗字写成"献"。"鬲"是古代的一种炊具,犬本义是狗,在这里代表进献之物。本义指"祭祀宗庙时用作祭品的",由"进献、进献的物品"引申为"奉献",如献花献技贡献献礼献媚。"文献"指有历史价值的图书文物;"贡"指给君主,献可以是给君主,也可以是其他人        ""本意是"植物已长高,接近高度极限",也指"恭敬地用手捧着"。字从丰从丰省,"丰"意为"植物生长了三个月"。"丰省"字形从二从丨,意为植物又长了两个月。合起来表示长了5个月。本义是"植物已长高",引申为"提升高度",奉献表示"把贡品抬升到眉毛的高度献给君主",恭敬地用手捧着,引申为 1、恭敬对待,如奉献奉承奉养供奉信奉 2、遵守,如奉命奉公奉天奉旨            "but in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men......但从更广泛意义上来说,我们不能奉献不能圣化不能神化这块土地,那些英勇的人们......",出自葛底斯堡演说,全文仅10个句子272个单词不到3分钟,其中词1(即devote)出现2次词2出现6次词3出现2次词4出现1次,可以说gettysburg address就是关于"奉献"的演说,被铸成金文存放在牛津大学,是美国中学生必读著作,上大学时背诵过,篇幅非常短,建议学生和有条件的背诵

        2)奉献的意思是用于高尚目的mean to set apart for a particular and often higher end.     set apart留出拨出,如I have set apart a little money for our holidays我留出一点钱准备我们度假用